Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream,
if you are not dead fish then VALIDATE YOURSELF

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


'Nothing Happens Until Something Moves'
"Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatness"
"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving,
and that's your own self... Every man who knows how to read has it in his
power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to
make his life full, significant and interesting." —Aldous Huxley 


INDIVIDUAL who have hope and commitment to making the world a better place."

Organizing around human rights provides a common vision and value system. Rather than working in isolation from each other, people working on social justice issues can unite around the shared framework of human rights. In this way, once understood and claimed, human rights can serve as a powerful tool to spark hope for the future and effect change.

By their very nature human rights are subject to conflict. One person’s conscientiously held belief (e.g., that one race is superior to all others) can violate another’s human dignity and human rights.

Only for those without hope that hope is given to us.

"Total independence is a fiction. We are all interdependent, i.e. no man or nation is an island";

"Victory goes eventually not to the rebellious, but to the committed and intelligent";

Human rights by nature are destined to counteract states and governments when they are cracking down on the rights and liberties of individuals and groups, and one should only expect that such governments will pull every stop, challenge you in most ingenious ways in order to force, cajole or even bribe into conformity or complacency. While dialogue and cooperation with governments remain our major instrument, there will be some situations when taking a firm stand on behalf of the deprived an downtrodden will be the order of the day.

Time.. Practice .. Intelligence… Commitment… Sacrifice .. There is a price. Success

Emerson said that our primary need in life is somebody who will make us do what we already can. We've all had that somebody at some time or other. A parent. . . . A friend. . . . A teacher.., a tutor.. But from now on, you yourself will have to be that somebody. You will have to have the wherewithal to make yourself do what you're capable of.

No matter what, commitment and follow-through marks success. Self-discipline is simply control. If you don't control yourself, someone else will.
If you fail by lack of discipline to be part of the human rights solution, there will be plenty of ill-minded people to make you part of the human wrongs problem.
 You cannot catch a black cat in the dark room, especially if the cat is not there¸ according to the Chinese proverb
You were born a living soul with flesh and blood, with the responsibility to respect other life and treat your fellow man with love and kindness, and with a life-spirit provided by the Creator. Your unalienable rights are for life, liberty and property, and to respect those rights of other human beings on this planet, our home.

In an attempt to create a safe society, men elected Governments to protect and uphold your unalienable rights and your responsibilities to the Creator and your fellow man. After a while, Governments became corrupt and now we have to ask: How could Governments and other "regulatory bodies" possibly make you follow their rules and be subservient to them since your true allegiance is to your Creator? How can you serve two masters - your creator and your Government? The answer is that you cannot server two masters, therefore the Government had to create a system that tricks you into thinking you must serve them, where in fact, Governments must serve us, the people.

One of the ways Governments and other regulators have tricked you into thinking you must follow their rules, is to create for themselves an "artificial-person / corporation" who is not you, but whom the Government has fooled you into thinking is you . But, so as not to violate your fundamental rights, they also have provide recognition in law for another legal entity called a "natural-person" (simply meaning a human-being in the law) with which most of your fundamental rights are still intact. So when you interact with the law, you may be represented as an artificial or natural person - you choose.

This concept of an "artificial-person", a legally obligated entity, that appears to be you, but in fact is not you, is a little difficult to grasp at first, but if you follow through this site, you will understand.

Once the Government creates an "artificial-person" that simulates you (i.e. appears to be the same as you from your point of view), but is actually a contrivance of government laws and regulations -- then they've got you, so to speak. And if you fill out paperwork and sign documents as if you were this artificial-person , then they can make you totally subservient to all their rules and regulations:
  1. Make you believe you are obligated to pay taxes,
  2. Make you believe that you have to obtain a driver's licence,
  3. Make you believe that you have to work as an Employee.

Albert Einstein once said that "Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem…to characterize our age"